The trouble with decrepit ,washed – up ,failing Empires teetering at the edge of the historical abyss ,is that their leaders ,their ruling elites and their servile ,toadying Commentariat are intrinsically incapable of recognising reality,much less responding to events beyond their control or ailing abilities to influence like they once did. Such is the state of the USA as it received an overdue ,albeit minor slap in the face from the rest of the World Community via Russian President Putin’s article in the New York Times. Even the usually docile and compliant Corporate-Media in Greater Germany’s Yu-Kay Province occasioned an attempt,albeit a fleeting one at rational discourse on Russo-American relations.

Cold war of words: White House fires back at Putin’s claim in New York Times op-ed that the U.S. is ‘not exceptional’ as senator says it ‘made him want to vomit’


PUBLISHED: 05:47, 12 September 2013 | UPDATED: 16:54, 12 September 2013

The White House said Thursday morning that a controversial and standoffish New York Times op-ed by Russian President Vladimir Putin was ‘irrelevant,’ despite Putin’s aggressive digs at President Obama for claiming the United States is ‘exceptional.’

‘It is extremely dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional, whatever the motivation,’ the former KGB leader wrote in The New York Times.

‘There are big countries and small countries, rich and poor, those with long democratic traditions and those still finding their way to democracy. … ‘We are all different, but when we ask for the Lord’s blessings, we must not forget that God created us equal.’

Putin signed legislation into law this year that bans the public discussion of gay rights. Violators can face fines and those who are not Russian citizens can be deported.

Realistic inconveniences aside, a White House official cautioned that Putin won’t be permitted to seize rhetorical advantage of the diplomatic situation while avoiding his newly assumed responsibilities.


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